Pictogram family
10 Escritoras Costarricenses

“Donde la historia esta escondida, los mitos afloran. Sin embargo, no será justo afirmar que Costa Rica es un mito. Efectivamente el país centroamericano resalta en la región por su tradición de paz, estabilidad y democracia. Este hecho no impide preguntarse por qué de repente “La Suiza centroamericana” tiene a dos ex-presidentes encarcelados por estafar a su propio pueblo, una ola de crímenes violentos y un crecimiento descontrolado del turismo, capaz de destruir la extraordinaria naturaleza que lo atrae? Ante esta realidad, las escritoras costarricenses han investigado un pasado borroso y en los archivos nacionales han descubierto una historia no oficial, donde se devela un rostro esclavizado, marginado y tristemente ignorado en los discursos políticos y académicos que proyectan al exterior la imagen de Costa Rica. Por medio de las obras de Carmen Lyra, Yolanda Oreamuno, Carmen Naranjo, Julieta Pinto, Anacristina Rossi, Tatiana Lobo y Ana Istarú. La escritura femenina de este país no sólo se enfrenta a una crisis que podría destruir la belleza y el patrimonio de la única nación sin ejército en el continente americano, sino que además plantea una escritura de ruptura en la literatura costarricense.”
The paragraph I quoted above, led me to wonder why we don’t give importance to Costa Rican women writers, those who started on a path of uncertainty and somehow created a firm path for Costa Rican women today. All of them were an inspiration, where they were not afraid to raise their voices, and through tales, poems, and stories, they told us their opinions and even what they lived.
With this project, I intended to spread the existence of these incredible women who contributed to Latin American and Costa Rican literature. It is important to rescue and talk about these women writers, who rose and made a name for themselves despite living obstacles. Because they portray the cultural panorama of a moment in history, it also allows us to recover an era and teach the following generations their convictions and strengths.
So creating 10 pictograms of Costa Rican women writers who set a pace in literature is not only to represent them and give them their due respect but also to create and seek a space for cultural debate that gives life to the Costa Rican intellectuality, diversity, and an object of learning for the next generations.
First sketches
First sketches
First sketches
First sketches

Poster design (suggestions)

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